Business Grants for Minorities


Tips for Applying for Business Grants


  1. Always be truthful. It is better to have something less than stellar on your application than to "fictionally enhance" your application, whether your credientials, business plans or anything else. If your fictionally enhanced application is discovered, you could end up not only have your business grant application turned but there could be legal consequences.
  2. Don't apply until you have completed all the neccessary steps. Do you need to have a prepared business plan? If so, don't apply for a grant until it is complete. If your grant is preliminarily accepted, you might only have a few days deadline to submit your business plan, and business plans take much longer to prepare.
  3. Make sure you meet all the application requirements. Some do require residency in specific states or cities. Others might require specific background or even family requirements (such as an immediate family member being a member in a union or association). You don't want to find out you have a grant, then end up losing it because you didn't meet the requirements.
  4. Check deadlines. If you can't be bothered to ensure that your application arrives by the deadline, you can kiss your chances of your business grant being awarded to you goodbye.
  5. Complete your application COMPLETELY. We have noticed a definite trend where women leave specific parts of an application blank without including a reason why - even sections noted as being mandatory. Don't have your application disqualified because you weren't willing to disclose specific information required by the grant.

Also, view our new expert guide Top Ten Tips for Getting That Business Grant


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Copyright 2006-2009 Funding business dreams for minorities