Business Grants for Minorities


Women's Business Grants - Women's Financial Fund

Top ten tips for getting your business grant application accepted
BONUS Tip # 17 - Apply for grants that are as niche as possible

Many business owners apply for the most heavily publicized or most generic grants, since these are often the grants that award the largest amounts of money. But you have to take into consideration the sheer volume of grant applications they are likely to receive, the odds that you will actually be awarded one of these is greatly reduced.

While you should always apply for these large grants, you should also really focus on grants that are much more targeted to both you and your business. For example, there will be a lot less people applying for grants that are awarded strictly to female owned businesses. Likewise, if you are an ethnic minority, disabled or even a veteran, there are many grants available for these specific groups, and again, the volume of applicants would be much greatly reduced. (We have listings of grants available exclusively to these diverse and ethnic groups).

Likewise, watch for grants that are specifically for the type of business. You might find a grant related to early childhood development that would be relevant to your child care business, for example. So also focus on grants available to those with your type of business or business area.

And because you can apply for multiple grants, you could end up receiving three smaller valued grants that were much more targeted to your type of business or personal circumstances and actually end up with more overall than what the one larger sized grant with many more applications would have given you.


Next... Tip # 18 or Return to the beginning


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